Title Preparation
Print-On-Demand (POD)
Whilst you may only wish to utilise TamaRe House Publishers as your designated printer, there are some specific requirements that you will need to meet in order for your bookblock and cover file to be accepted by our POD system. For instance, all files must be submitted to our POD system in PDF format with a number of exact specifications. Our technicians will transform your MS Word file or PDF file into the required print-ready format for submission. We will also work with your cover design in the same regard. Each cover layout must meet exact specifications and are assembled into a pre-determined cover template, tailored specifically to your book – taking page count, spine width dimensions and so on into consideration. This service is priced at a minimum of £10 (for making minor adjustments) or £30 per hour, studio time. On receiving and reviewing your file, you will be quoted an estimate on studio time before any work begins.
However, if you wish to carry out these procedures yourself, or wish to utilise your own graphic designer, we strongly recommend that you and/or your preferred designer read through our free file creation guide.
Title setup for Author POD only
TamaRe House submits all its titles to a centralised POD system for real-time automated retrieval whenever orders are placed by you, by any of our retail outlets or by our wholesale distributors. The initial setup fee is a one-time £149. Should you decide to revise your manuscript or the book’s cover, then there is a re-submission fee of £47.50 for each item. If you choose to utilise TamaRe House to make amendments, corrections and so on, this will be invoiced at a minimum of £10 (for making minor adjustments) or £30 per hour, studio time.
See Book Bind Types and Sizes here.
Order Fulfilment Services
Sales and Distribution Channels
TamaRe House Publications are available for ordering by thousands of bookshops in the UK and Europe by way of Bertrams, Gardners, Blackwell and Pepukayi Books; and the USA, Canada and Australia by way of Ingram, Baker & Taylor and other wholesale distributors. We also have other world-wide distribution partners by way of our Global Connect program.
Online booksellers
We also distribute through popular online sellers including Amazon, Borders, Abebooks, Blackwellonline, WHSmith and others. Hardback editions and multiple Ebook formats are also optionally available with our Gold and Platinum Legacy packages.
Books are printed by a centralised short-run POD system as they are firmly ordered by our wholesale distributors, thus eliminating sale-or-return deals. This reduces the issue of stock-piling and massive bulk producing costs. However, TamaRe House can also facilitate larger orders of 1000+ copies by way of off-set printing methods. Just ask for a quote.
Submission to Ingram Advance Catalogue
Ingram Advance is a monthly catalogue that is distributed to booksellers and libraries around the world. Titles are eligible to be included in Ingram Advance only once, when they are first released through TamaRe House Publishers. With this marketing service, Ingram will produce a short synopsis of the book. Retail pricing information and a black & white cover image will also be included.
This marketing service is included in our Gold, Platinum Legacy and P-Plus Packages. The service is also availabe as an add-on with our Silver Legacy Package but is not available with the Bronze Legacy Package.
Note that titles submitted to Ingram Advance will not appear in the catalogue until 3-4 months after the title has been submitted.